Tuesday, August 10 @ 7:00 p.m.
Healing and Transformation - Leslie Davenport
When life pulls the rug out from under the feet of dynamic and productive people through an unanticipated crisis, many people land flat on their backs without any knowledge of how to get back up. From post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction, to health issues like heart disease, guided imagery is a visualization technique used to overcome adversity. Tapping into the heart's wisdom through creative visualization is an ancient practice, but today's guided imagery is used as an adjunct to conventional medical therapies. It offers a way not simply to get back on one's feet, but to help one stand up with even greater wisdom and fulfillment than before. Life is rich with imagery, and Leslie Davenport teaches us how to see with their hearts. Healing and Transformation Through Self- Guided Imagery provides contemporary techniques to transform moments of pain, emotional turmoil, and interpersonal conflict into opportunities for growth and self- realization. Every human heart is connected to a source of wisdom that surprises even the most thoughtful mind. When we tap into this source of wisdom, it brings us into the fullness of being human and provides resources for a fulfilling life. Whether you are seeking guidance for a current crisis in your life, reflecting on a significant life transition, or deepening gratitude in simple day-to-day moments, Leslie Davenport can provide the resources to support you.
Join us Tuesday to learn more about Leslie and her practice.
Healing and Transformation - Leslie Davenport
When life pulls the rug out from under the feet of dynamic and productive people through an unanticipated crisis, many people land flat on their backs without any knowledge of how to get back up. From post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction, to health issues like heart disease, guided imagery is a visualization technique used to overcome adversity. Tapping into the heart's wisdom through creative visualization is an ancient practice, but today's guided imagery is used as an adjunct to conventional medical therapies. It offers a way not simply to get back on one's feet, but to help one stand up with even greater wisdom and fulfillment than before. Life is rich with imagery, and Leslie Davenport teaches us how to see with their hearts. Healing and Transformation Through Self- Guided Imagery provides contemporary techniques to transform moments of pain, emotional turmoil, and interpersonal conflict into opportunities for growth and self- realization. Every human heart is connected to a source of wisdom that surprises even the most thoughtful mind. When we tap into this source of wisdom, it brings us into the fullness of being human and provides resources for a fulfilling life. Whether you are seeking guidance for a current crisis in your life, reflecting on a significant life transition, or deepening gratitude in simple day-to-day moments, Leslie Davenport can provide the resources to support you.
Join us Tuesday to learn more about Leslie and her practice.
Durward Blanks, host of THE SUMMIT LOUNGE

Born with a passion for life, Durward is an eternal optimist. Some time to the point of irritation to family and friends. It's hard to stay negative around so much positive!
Durward is a former REALTOR, serving the real estate needs of clients throughout middle Tennessee. In addition he has been co-host of Spotlight on Spring Hill on local radio station WAKM 950 a.m and host of The Summit Lounge, online radio program for several years.
At the age of 22, Durward began his first business while in college. Throughout the years there have been several business ventures, some successful, some a little less so. Believing the only failure is when one quits, you can't say there have been any failures in his life.
After assisting others succeed in many areas of life, Durward realized that one of his greatest gifts is being able to assist others in determining and following the path they are uniquely designed to travel.
After studying with Fowler-Wainwright Coaching Institute, The Wellness Inventory and several other coaching programs, Durward stepped away from working as a real estate agent to concentrate on Life and Business Coaching.
And, he has been a professional Santa for almost 30 years. In recent years, the Santa image has become a more prominent part of his life, with people recognizing Santa throughout the year.
THE SUMMIT LOUNGE will be returning soon with a new format and schedule. With a desire to share the stories of others that have overcome challenges and doubt, there will be a constant search for guests to inspire the listening and reading audience.
So, if you have reached your Summit, or you know someone that has, let us know. We want to help you tell your story.